Great savings on a used Heckel Hyperthermia System in excellent condition.
Eusano Healthcare specialises in the importation and supply of medical devices designed and manufactured in Germany. The hydrosuns 575, 750 and the PhotoDyn 750 used as a light source for photodynamic therapy (PDT) and for infrared light therapy. The Heckel HT3000 provides whole-body hyperthermia as adjunctive therapy.
The Heckel HT3000 wholebody hyperthermia systems and the Hydrosun Infrared Lights are developed, designed and manufactured in Germany.
The devices are listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) as medical devices.
Hyperthermia represents the strongest means to improve ionizing radiation that we have ever seen, and is far superior to any other type of biological modification
- Dr Overgaard,
Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology,
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Ref: The heat is (still) on – The past and future of hyperthermic radiation oncology
Overgaard, Jens Radiotherapy and Oncology , 2013, Volume 109 , Issue 2 , 185 - 187
Water-filtered, infrared A (wIRA) is full-spectrum light filtered by a hermetically sealed water filter which filters out all the harmful ultraviolet (UV) light waves.
Only visible and the first band of infrared light, known as infrared A, is allowed to pass through the water filter.
The patentend filters are used in the Heckel HT3000 wholebody hyperthermia device.